Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Invitation - National Seminar on "Womens spaces, Womens voices in Mumbai"

                            The Departments of English and Mass Media,
The Department of Social Communications Media, Sophia-Shree B K Somani Polytechnic
Sophia Centre for Women's Studies and Development

Tel: 23512642, 23513280, Fax: 23513183

Dear Friends, 
As part of the continuing series of Mumbai-themed seminars being hosted at Sophia College over the last few years, the Sophia Centre for Women’s Studies and Development in collaboration with the Departments of English and Mass Media, Sophia College, and the Social Communications Media Department, Sophia Polytechnic, is conducting an interdisciplinary seminar on the theme of Women’s Spaces, Women’s Voices in Mumbai at the Sophia Bhabha Auditorium on Friday, 6th and Saturday, 7th January 2012. The seminar will focus on the different ways in which various genres - the visual arts, film and literature - have represented and articulated the efforts of women to integrate economic pressures, exigencies of employment, and exposure to a vast array of other perspectives and cultures through globalization and rapidly-burgeoning information technology.   

The seminar is open to students and faculty of Mumbai colleges as well as the general public.   As with the previous seminars, the organizers hope to expose students and faculty to emerging fields and to areas of research and thinking beyond the limits of the prescribed syllabus. 

Registration may be done in advance at Sophia Centre for Women's Studies and Development, Sophia Campus, Mumbai 400 026 (Contact: englishdeptsophia@gmail.com, ; Tel: 022-23513280 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              022-23513280      end_of_the_skype_highlighting). Alternatively, you may register on the spot on 6th January, 2011. However, if you could call and inform us about your attendance in advance, it would help us to make the necessary arrangements.

Dates:               6th and 7th of January, 2012
Time:                9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.
Venue:              Sophia Bhabha Auditorium, Sophia College Campus, Mumbai 400 026
Registration:     Students :  Rs. 250/-
     General :    Rs. 400/-

We look forward to having you with us at the seminar.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. (Sr.) Ananda Amritmahal
Head and Co-ordinator                                                                                                                       
Dept of English, Sophia College
Dr. Jeroo Mulla
Sophia Polytechnic

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